Saturday, March 14, 2009

Birthday pictures

The girls playing at the park.

Savannah opening presents!! Fun times!!

Some of the girls at the slumber party of Zoe's. All dressedup.

All the girls at the bowling party of Zoe's

Zoe with two of her best friends!!


So both of the girls have had birthdays in the past two weeks. Zoe turned 9 on Feb. 28th and Savannah is now 6 as of March 5th. Let me tell you it has been a very busy time. Two seperate parties this year due to differnt wishes and well the age difference was more obvious this time.

Zoe chose a bowling party. She had 9 girls I think. All but one came and they had a fabulous time. Then 4 of them came home with us for a slumber party. They had a great time and all got along well until the witching hour of midnight and then a fight broke out. Zoe lost her temper and stormed up to her room. I had talk with her and she apoligized to the girls and the night went on. They went to bed all snuggled in watching Mamma It was a grand time!!

Savannah had a skating party with about 6-7 friends. She had lots of fun even though they were more about figuring out how to skate then hanging together. I actually got on skates and after about 2 times around started to get the hang of it. I never did fall but I am sure there are some pictures out there of total terror on my WE later went out with my friend Sara and her daughter Maddison and McKenzee who Savannah adores!! and went to lunch and spent hours at the park. It was just warm enough for some enjoyment and some good time spent outside.

So there you have it a whirlwind of a good time!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Disney on Ice

So Sunday we dashed out the door right after my poor husband had to move a newly purchased piano in the rain with his buddies. Now mind you he didn't do this without a few gripes and making me doubt All is well now so no worries.

We dashed out to go see Disney's Magical Adventure on ice!! The girls and I had a blast thought I might share.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So I thought I would try my hand at pictures. Lets see how this goes.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Seems there are so many things that go on in life. You can stumble upon something and it can impact your life. I read a blog tonight that did just that. I am thankful that I have a overly dramatic 8 year old that can cry and have a melt down over homework, I am thankful that I have a 5 year old that wants to yell and fight with everyone, I am thankful that I have a 19 year old step son who doesn't make the best choices. I am thankful for the husband that only hears what he wants to. I am thankful that they are my family and despite all our flaws we are together. I am thankful that they are healthy, and smart, funny, some are brave while others are very sensitive. I love every single one of them.

Ok now someone each me how to post pictures on this blog...then everyone look out. LOL

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

See I did come back

So, I went to visit a friends blog that she linked me to and wahla I figured out we are on the same site but you see she actually So I thought what better time to jump in. I'm BACCCCKKK.

Not that I have many followers since well whats to follow?

It is Girl Scout cookie time here so it has all consumed my life. I am the managing cookie mom for two troops. About 28 girls. Keeps me busy. It has slowed down as we are nearing the end. What's your favorite?

So what does everyone think about the Science Fair? We just finished Zoe's project. Whew glad it is over. It is a big amount of work. I am not the science person. I am already getting ideas for next year.

Well gonna go watch the eliminations for Biggest Loser.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Busy lives

Lets see if I can get you up to speed. The past few weeks I spent cleaning huse, planning and having Grils Scouts meetings, working on Girl Scouts Fall sale (just no wrapping that up), working, running kids to dance and tumbling, my mom was in town visiting, dh, and fil's birthdays, working on starting a Daisy troop for my younger daughter, and getting more training for Girl Scouts. I feel at times like I am drowning. But I am sure we have all felt that way.

I spent Friday night in a cabin with 7 grown women working on getting our training so that we could take our Girl Scouts out camping, fieldtripping, and just cook with them. It wasn't all bad. Well except there was no flshing toilets and it was freezing out and we had to cook outside. We cooked some good stuff. Breakfast was omelettes in a bag, lunch was chicken noodle soup, peach cobbler, banana boats, and grilled cheese ALL cooked on a camp fire. Can't wait to take the girls.

So that is my life.